Red Hits in Roulette a Whopping 21 Times in a Row


Another roulette recounted by Scoblete concerns a game in Atlantic City in the mid-‘90s. As the story goes,

Scoblete ordered a Cabernet Sauvignon and his server told him that red was hot at a nearby table.

After a bit of inquiry, Scoblete claims that the croupier on hand confirmed that red had been the winner on 21 straight spins.

Using the same calculation mentioned earlier—in this case, 2 to the 21st power—we can deduce that the odds of this occurring stand at slightly more than 1 in 2 million.

One afternoon, he neglected to pick his children up at school and his wife became angry and confronted him on his whereabouts. She accused him of cheating and when she found out that he was gambling, she was somewhat relieved. He then told her about the total amount of money lost and the time spent


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