GTA Casino and GTA Online on the PS5 and Xbox Series X

The video included in the tweet is identical to the trailer shown in the PlayStation Showcase 2021. Players can also download the new standalone version of GTA Online for free in the first three months when it launches in March 2022.

GTA Online will no longer require players to have GTA 5 to play it.

This will be GTA 5 and GTA Online's third generation on consoles. Both titles have previously appeared on the PS3 and Xbox 360, then on the PS4 and Xbox One. It will now be available on the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S in March 2022.

The new release date differs from the original announcement, which stated that the new ports would launch on November 11, 2021. The trailer doesn't include a specific day, which means it can happen on any day in March 2022. 


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